Sunday, November 30, 2008

Apply for Inclusion of name in the Electoral Rolls : Maharashtra

Concerned Authority
Electoral Office in the City or the respective District Election Branch located at the district Collectorate Office.
Every person who -

  • Is not less than 18 years of age on the qualifying date and
  • Is an ordinary resident of the Constituency and
  • Is an Indian Citizen.

Every eligible person has to submit the claim and objection in the following forms (Rule 13)

  • Inclusion of name (Form No.6)
  • Objection to inclusion of name (Form No.7)
  • Objection to particulars in an entry (Form No.8)

Necessary documents/papers

Details on how to get your name added in the electoral roll
Know your MP/MLA of your constituency on this website. I am trying to see how i can contribute - i suggest we all do that. But there is not too much information on this site. Just a listing of MP's that i could find. MLA's are impossible to find. I have also never heard of most of the constituency names in the list. Still, worth checking out.

I suggest you put this in your favourites list and check it as often as possible. This is the government's election commission website. It has details on where to go and register yourself in an electoral roll. Check the state election commissioner's website for the address.
So the tie-in on these sites are:
Through, find out who is elected. Then go through the guidelines on voting. Find out about your state election commission HQ and get yourself on the electoral roll.

BAU is OBVIOUSLY not the answer

Mumbai was once again attacked by terrorists. What should have been done is:

  1. Basis the GPS device tracked on day 1, co-ordinates of the terrorist masterminds should have been taken out in an air strike on day 2 itself. The sat phone with GPS was found on day 2 end even as the terrorists were talking to their masters on the phone. They continued to do so perhaps till the end.
  2. Curfew should have been clamped in Mumbai as soon as the NSG was called in. We still dont know how many terrorists came on the boats! Considering that only 10 have been apprehended (1 arrested and 9 others killed), there is a good possibility that the others escaped and are still free either in the city or outside it.
  3. Were all the guests of both hotels checked before they were allowed to leave the hotel on day 1? Same for the staff. They looked like they were melting into the crowd. Getting into waiting cars and being driven away. Some of them could have been terrorists! - No detailed checking of the guests or staff was done - that is obvious from the fact that people were streaming out and leaving and there was no control setup at that point inside.
  4. All diplomatic ties with Pakistan should be broken off till evidence suggests that Pakistan was NOT involved- rather than waiting for evidence to show that it was! First hand reports clearly state that Pakistanis are involved, if not the Pakistan government. We continue to think about India-Pak cricket matches while this tirade goes on!

What can we do now:

  1. PROTEST - The government needs to understand clearly that this is the top priority for people in this country at this point and they will lose votes if they do not curb this issue.
  2. BOYCOTT - All politicians in this country need to be boycotted - by the channels, people and the rest of the media - WE DONT WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU SAY!
  3. VOTE - Elect a government that can do something. In my opinion, that is the BJP at this point of time and not the Congress. Vote for the party you want at the state and the centre and not for the MLA/MP of your consituency - I am saying this because i saw Milind Deora (the MLA/MP from South Mumbai) stading like a jerk behind RR Patil. Our elected representative is at the bottom of the rat race in the legislative assembly.Not something i want to see of our leaders!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

क्या आप जानते है इस भाषा को?
और पढ़ते रहिये इसी को।
फिर मिलेंगे

Thursday, June 19, 2008

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And here is the real full Patch - unmacroed!

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A macro close up of Patch

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yalla helikopter!

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COCO - What is this all about now? (psst- i dont know!)

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While i was packing for HK.
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